Monday, May 9, 2011

into the future...

how do you introduce the workings of your mind to a world?

everyone is born expressing themselves to the first available humans around them. head first, still wrapped in the juices of labor, we come out screaming, wanting to relate those first experiences of life. the light that is too bright for our new born eyes blazes across our temporal lobes as fires often do across a dry landscape, the colors still foreign to us rage as if a consequence of being human. the comfort we knew as fetuses is cut immediately and we are thrown into that which we know nothing about and will never truly comprehend, but none of that matters, we cry out because of that we do not know trying desperately to know that comfort can be had again.

and then... the moment we think the pain and discomfort of this new knowledge is too much, we are cradled into the arms of another who has been through this. they lift us gently into their arms and reassure us that we are not alone in this world of confusion and grief, of overwhelming emotions and undying curiosities.

at some point in our lives we forget that this is natural. we forget that to share with another the doubts and anxieties, the raptures and bliss, generated from life is our initial purpose. we as a species are pack animals, we group together in clumps for survival. when survival was a fight of the past, we collided into cities and towns to bounce our ideas and emotions off of each other faster, more direct and personal.

fast forward through some tens of thousands of years and you have us where we are now, able to communicate any passing thought on a whim to the entire world within the matter of moments. we have reached a new pinnacle in human interactive evolution. the world is finding new strengths through the grouping of like minds and ideas. the internet has given us a more level playing field because those usually influencing the entire world through media cannot control the public cries anymore, they cannot filter them, censor them in anyway nor can they ever hope to.

we are regaining the personal one irrelevant post at a time. every word spread among the trillions already out there simply adds to the body of human experience. we are getting fat with culture and the inner pictures of the public. we see more clearly through the eyes of others so as to make our contrast that much sharper.

i guess this is why i started this thing, to share the musings of a mind uncontrolled. my entire life has been revolved around the chasing of charges given to me through this life that i refuse to take the reins on. this does not make me special, only stubborn. i simply won't allow myself the finite found in logic and reason but rather ingest the possibilities of that blank slate we normally only see upon birth.

i don't know where this will lead, nor do i really know why i feel compelled to share these thoughts with you, all i know is that it feels right and that is good enough for me.

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